Thursday, 18 September 2008

~Into The Blue Blue Blue~:)

Another satisfied work for my nail art ...hehe...really love nail art since few year ago..always will
looking nail art book n also fashion mag, can spend hours just only doing my nail stuff...really satisfied when got ppl ask me how much that i paid for the nail art...hehe..:)will do for myself, sister n also for my friends...:)
A good top & base coat together with good Cutex nail polish remover needed as a good protector for nails and to get a good result of the nail polish ...:) n also a part of my nail accessories below...:) my passion never end...(>.<)

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

~KLCC SkyBridge 之旅~

每次看到KLCC,心想终有一天我一定要再次地上去SkyBridge补回我之前没拍到照的遗憾...哈!谁叫我最爱就是拍照! 几乎我看到的每一样的东西都想把它捉进相机里! :)

星期六的早上心想放工后就会去SkyBridge, 心情超好!早早起床化妆穿美美...结果在LRT时,朋友发短信来说MC,没上班不能帮我拿票...:( 除了失望还是失望...

星期日同样的早上,懒懒的我就随便穿了衣妆也没化就去上班了...同样也是上了LRT,朋友才发短信来..拿到票了.. :( ~~~~~傻掉! 还要我穿酱随便去SKYBRIDGE!!!唉..没办法咯,票都拿了,只好去咯!....还好拍的照都还可以...哈!

Left:my collegues, me n sis..

Love this pic...:)